IHEC in the News

Selected Articles from International Media Coverage on Cell Papers

'How blood cell genetic variations impact on common diseases'

How blood cell genetic variations impact on common diseases


'More than 40 New Papers on Epigenetics Published'

More than 40 New Papers on Epigenetics Published

The Scientist

'Researchers work to map human epigenome'

Researchers work to map human epigenome

Canada Journal

'Forschung für die Medizin von morgen'

Forschung für die Medizin von morgen

Saarbrücker Zeitung

'Singapore scientists part of breakthrough in autism research'

Singapore scientists part of breakthrough in autism research


'Epigenetics Around the Web: Top epigenetics stories from 2016'

Epigenetics Around the Web: Top epigenetics stories from 2016

Epigenetics Literacy Project

'Mapping the human epigenome in pursuit of medical breakthroughs'

Mapping the human epigenome in pursuit of medical breakthroughs

Laboratory Focus

'Fortschritte der Epigenom-Forschung'

Fortschritte der Epigenom-Forschung


'Mil variedades de sangre'

Mil variedades de sangre

el Periódico

'Wissenschafter erstellen Landkarte der Blutentwicklung'

Wissenschafter erstellen Landkarte der Blutentwicklung

Der Standard

'International Innovation' interviews Dr. Eric Marcotte

Issue 174 IHEC Article Spread

Part 1

Dr Eric Marcotte, Chair of the IHEC Executive Committee introduces IHEC

International Innovation
Issue 174: Onwards & upwards

Issue 177 IHEC Article Spread 2 1

Part 2

Dr Eric Marcotte, Chair of the IHEC Executive Committee about the aims of the Consortium

International Innovation
Issue 177: Coming of age