Integrative Analysis

Ongoing technological advances have driven increasing efficiencies and resolution to existing epigenomic measurements while enabling new dimensions of epigenomic analysis. Building on the vast amount of high-quality epigenomic datasets generated by IHEC members and other initiatives around the globe, the consortium has expanded its activities from data generation to increased integrative analyses and comprehensive data assessment.

Bringing together scientists from different research teams worldwide, the IHEC Integrative Analysis Working Group focuses on tools for epigenomic data analyses and the results of data integration projects. With the aim to further encourage and facilitate epigenomic data discovery and integrated epigenome interpretation, the group provides a forum to share and discuss new methods and tools that help advance our understanding of these highly complex and multi-dimensional datasets.

Take a look at selected papers published by members of the group, or browse the wide array of IHEC tools to analyse, navigate or interpret epigenomic data.

IHEC Data Portal

The IHEC Data Portal ensures data integration across the various IHEC research groups and is the central source to access and navigate IHEC data.

It allows epigenomic data integration, discovery, visualization, analysis, download, and sharing.

Launch Data Portal

 Selected Publications by Members of the Integrative Analysis Working Group

IHEC Tools


Should you have any questions or wish to get in touch with the group, please contact the Integrative Analysis Working Group Chairs.